Human and Animal Equality
Several situations and passages in the Bible imply that humans and animals are intrinsically equal.
The Binding of Isaac Shows Human and Animal Equality
An event known as “The Binding of Isaac” occurs in Genesis 22:1–14. God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac for a burnt offering (22:1–2). After Abraham
bound Isaac, the father was ready to kill his son before God’s angel stopped him (22:9–12). Instead of his son, Abraham sacrificed a nearby ram for the burnt offering (22:13).
This event displays Abraham’s faith in God (22:8, Heb 11:17–19) even in the worst circumstances, as well as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice (Eph 5:2) in place of sinners
(Rom 5:6–8). Additionally, the Binding of Isaac (Gen 22:1–14) displays the intrinsic equality between animals and humans, as the ram was deemed a worthy sacrificial substitute for
Abraham’s son (22:13).
Biblical Sabbath Laws Suggest Intrinsic Equality Between Humans and Animals
Equivalent treatment implies equality between individuals. The Bible suggests an intrinsic equality between humans and animals through a few instances of Sabbath laws that apply to both. For
example, in Luke 14:3–5 and Matthew 12:9–12, Jesus implies that a human or an animal who happens to fall into a well on the Sabbath should be lifted out immediately. Additionally,
Sabbath rest must be given to both humans and animals (Exod 20:8–11). The Bible implies intrinsic equality between humans and animals through these Sabbath laws.